
Retirement Thriving

Boomers who want to have a thriving retirement life should begin coaching before the date arrives! Many clients have found new excitement and passion in this final quarter of life where they can be an “elder” with all the wisdom that implies. Coaching may focus on how to downsize work, adding healthy lifestyle changes, adding new passions and friends, or preventing boredom.
As always, the client sets the agenda. Is it time you had a new challenge?



Life Balance

Mindful living and cultivating calm, as well as healthy exercise and diet ,creates a state of enhanced wellness. Jeanne offers support for lifestyle, illness recovery, mindful calming of worry, and planning for an intentional balance in work and relationships.


Performance Coaching

Higher performance may be goal of a parent, an executive, a leader, or a health or education professional. Performance coaching encompasses aspects of wellness, focus, creativity, and leadership to build a dynamic and successful team.