Just Dance

Jeanne Erikson Uncategorized Leave a Comment

Just Dance

Life is a dance. We dance between hope and failure, between love and hurt, between anger and joy, between feeling full of appreciation and abundance and feeling scarcity.  We can change our dance.  As we approach 2016, how you want to step into the coming year?

Do you want to jazz it up?  Is your life boringly the same week after week and it feels like you will never have free time or another exciting adventure?  Is it time to think about scaling back on work and inserting travel, or taking on a local creative challenge, or doing volunteer work abroad?  Many Boomers are anticipating retirement, and realize it is a two–year dance to create exciting free time, not just more empty time.

Do you need to slow life down to a waltz?  Do you need more serenity and calm in your heart and body in 2016 because your life is stuffed to the brim with schedules and meetings and projects and electronics and stress? Can you list everything you did on a typical workday and weekend in the past month? Look hard…what could you give up and replace with calm and rest?  That’s right.. you can’t add more rest and calm without giving something else up.  What on that list doesn’t fit into your overall life purpose?

Are you in a tango and need to learn the steps?  Are in personal or work relationships, or in financial tangles that have you struggling to learn how to stay upright? If you can list all your “tangles”, and then find the common theme in them all … and usually there is one like trying to be heroic, doing your duty, etc…. you have started to untangle yourself.  2016 could be the best year yet for better boundaries and more peace.

Do you strive to rock and roll?  Do you feel full of energy and drive, and want to spend that in your business or home life?  This might be year to set “BHAG’s” (Big, Hairy, Auspicious Goals) and go for it!

What could push you forward toward real fulfillment and joy?  What is missing in life?

I hope whatever dance you choose, you put your heart and soul into it, and really plan for something great to come into your life. It is never too late to have good intentions, or to be renewed!


Jeanne Erikson, PhD, PCC, BCC

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